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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I think you’re getting a little too philosophical. Why not start with mammals with whom we share much in common? They exhibit levels of cognition far above what people like to believe. They mourn, have cultures, traditions. They feel fear, and that fear looks like ours, so it should be something we all can understand.

    I’d also extend the same protection to fish and other complex organisms.

    If it was really up to me, nothing would ever suffer, whether an earth worm or a human. But realistically we can stop eating the things with brains and friends and that’d be a boon for our climate, environment, and our health.

    I would never starve animals in nature. My dog eats meat too because that’s what he is made to do. I don’t, because I don’t have to. Nature is cruel, but we don’t control that. We can easily control our nature and what we eat (or factory farm).

  • He makes $300k/yr in cash and the rest is stonks. Is he comically overpaid? For a CEO of a gigantic social media corporation that he took to IPO?

    I fuckin hate spez and I think “billionaire” is a concept that should not exist.

    … but what portion of his 300k should volunteer mods get? Should they get stocks? Are they contractors? FTEs? Plenty to be outraged about other than community moderators who volunteer their time for free willingly imo

  • Honestly, agree. People need to pick. Do you want human rights violating prisons filled to the brim with people and violence? Or do you just want that for the cops? How many innocent and non violent people are being subjected to the same or similar treatment?

    In my opinion, the quality of a society can be observed on how they treat their prisoners. If you’re okay with torturing people who have gone through the judicial system, then you’re just as much a barbarian as any other.

    How can you make the world a better place if you are adding suffering? To be fair, I have similar sentiments toward animals especially anything factory farmed. I can’t even tacitly accept any worldview that is okay with the suffering of anyone or anything, let alone one that cheers it on.

    Fuck these fucking pigs, but I hope they live lives free of torture, save that imposed by their own consciences (hopefully).

  • Honestly, I thought the same! I primarily use DDG, but when that doesn’t cut it, I go use my Kagi free trial of 100 searches. It’s lasted me months at this point, which is a testament to DDG and Kagi tbh. DDG for getting me there 99% of the time, and Kagi for delivering on the rest, with the bonus of being customizable and privacy focused. When the trial runs out, I will likely purchase the lowest tier so I can mix it in more bc the result quality is truly higher and it actually LISTENS to my quotes and + & - terms. You may not do as many searches as you think, and for throwaway searches, DDG is probs good enough.

    Im a dev & my entire job is googling shit basically, so it’s worth it for me to get quality results without dealing with the bullshit AI SEO wasteland