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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Funny you bring up the forest. In the city, if you call the police you get the police. In rural areas, especially in the vast geography that is the US, you call the police to make a report. The police aren’t going to get there before the shit has already gone down.

    If you were to look at a graph of rural American counties and replican support, there’s a lot of overlap. This isn’t new. People growing up there have been indoctrinated into gun culture for the past two hundred years, since grandpappy and his pappy before him beheld the Winchester rifle from god himself to protect them from the dinosaurs and homosexuals.

    Is it logical? No, absolutely not. But then again, the emotional reaction to the threat is real, and it’s played out time and time again. I’d like to offer a solution, and hell I’d be happy to roll back gun rights to single-shot muzzleloaders (because if you need more than one shot to get that deer you deserve a one year penalty), but at the moment there isn’t anything that people can agree on.

  • That was back in 2008. I did a quick google and everybody parrots Obama causing it. The thing is, we knew* the military was stock piling ammo like they were hoarding oil. They built a huge reservoir of oil/gas because they realized somebody could turn off the gas flow to the US and bring the military to its heels.

    And so after the marines/army/air force finished buying rounds, the TSA placed a big order and it was all over the news for a while because it’s not like they ever use ammo for anything. Regardless, they spent buckets of cash on a bunch of ammo and almost everything disappeared from the shelves except for 22 long rifle and shotgun shells. Mainly because .22 rounds were useless along with shotgun shells with birdshot.

    As someone that shoots for fun, this was fine with me because that’s all you need. However, ever since that shortage it never ended. People started saying crazy shit like “Obama’s gonna stop all gun sales” or “Hillary is going to ban ammunition sales”. And the only way it stayed un bought is when people would mark prices up on the ammo, yet people keep buying (beyond $2/ bullet now).

    If I were a conspiracy theorist, I’d reckon big firearms is out there making the shit up about gun bans or ammo bans, because whenever a rumor goes around that shit flies off the shelf at ridiculous prices. Almost makes me wish I had an ammo company myself.

  • Attributing long COVID to a brain injury is just wrong. Long COVID is the result of multiple damaged organs, including lungs, peripheral and central nervous systems, the heart, etc.

    What’s worse, this is entirely correlative. Bio markers are correlative indicators of disease, and while sometimes there is a causal relationship that is something that must be tested and proven before you can make the claim that it’s the source of the issue.

    If long COVID correlates with brain injuries and certain elevated bio markers, it could very well be an artifact of reaching a high viral burden during peak infection. The immune system couldn’t prevent damage to the brain during a period of time, for example. It makes sense that if the immune system couldn’t prevent damage during this time, that the lungs were getting ravaged because the immune system couldn’t mount an effective defense in the tissue.

    There are so many possibilities that are glossed over by a simplified headline like this and worse, it will stick in people’s minds that have no idea how complex the situation really is.