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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • I was more suggesting that it might be a bit eldritch, but sometimes humor doesn’t come across quite right/

    The linked paper is focused on studying the ‘perforation-type anchor’ they use to hold the tissue to the mold as it grows, rather than keeping it alive afterwards. During growth the tissue and mold were submerged, or partially submerged, in a suitable medium to keep the cells healthy, and it was only when the resulting models were tested that they were removed (although one test did seem to involve letting it dry out to see if the anchors held). Growing the various layers of cells seems to be a solved problem, and I suspect that includes keeping them supplied with nutrients and such, so the authors aren’t examining that. What’s not solved is how to keep the tissue attached to a robot, which is what the authors were studying.

  • I guess you could, although the gripper would add a bit of mass to the drone. You still lose some energy from the round into the yeeted barrel, but not as much as having an open breech. Depending on the mass of the projectile vs the mass of the barrel that could be a worthwhile trade-off.

  • This seems like a very complicated way to achieve your goal! It sounds like sitting yourself down and giving you a stern talking to might be a beter aporoach.

    Having said that, if you have these very important files that you don’t want to lose, please make sure they’re backed up somewhere off of your machine. Storage fails, and it’s a horrible feeling losing something important. Unfortunately doing so would defeat the approach you’re thinking of.

    This might be a case of needing to reframe the question to get to the cause of the issue, and then solve that. So, why do you want to make it hard to reinstall your machine? Is it the amount of time you spend on it, the chance of screwing it up, needing it working, has it become a compulsion or something else? Maybe if we can get to the root of the issue we can find a solution.

    With regard to TPM, it’s basically just a key store, so you can use it fir anything really, althought it’s normally used by generating a TPM key and using it to encrypt the key that’s actually used to encrypt your data, storing the encrypted key with the OS. Just reinstalling won’t wipe the TPM, but unless you made an effort to save the encrypted key it’ll be gone. Given your problem statement above it just adds to the data you’d need to save, which isn’t helpful.

  • Ok, I’m still not clear on exactly what you’re trying to achieve as I can’t quite see the connection between somehow preventing certain files being duplicated when cloning the disk and preventing yourself from reinstalling the system.

    Bear in mind that reinstalling the system would replace all of the OS, so there’s no way to leave counter-measures there, and the disk itself can’t do anything to your data, even if it could detect a clone operation.

    If what you’re trying to protect against is someone who knows everything you do accessing your data, you could look to use TPM to store the encryption key for your FDE. That way you don’t know the password, it’s stored encrypted with a secret key that is, in turn, stored and protected by your CPU. That way a disk clone couldn’t be used on any hardware except your specific machine.

  • Nothing can prevent a disk clone cloning the data, and there’s no way to make something happen when a disk is cloned as you’re not in control of the process.

    If you wish to mask the existence of the files, use either full disk encryption, in which case cloning the disk doesn’t reveal the existence of the files without the decrypt password, or use a file based encrypted partition such as veracrypt in which case the cloner would just see a single encrypted blob rather than your file names.

    Ultimately encrypting the files with gpg means they have already effectively ‘destroyed or corrupted’ themselves when cloned. If you don’t want to reveal the filenames, just call them something else.

    If you could be a bit more specific about your threat model people may have better ideas to help.

  • I don’t think that’ll do it. The propellant deflagration is so quick that the momentum of the drone means it can’t be accelerated backwards enough to significantly reduce the force on the airframe. Even if it did, that would just end up applying the acceleration to the internals such as the batteries and motors/engine instead. I think you would need a spring damper that would allow the weapon to recoil quickly and dissipate the energy more slowly, and I’m not sure you could make obe effective on something the size of a drone.

  • I was thinking about those, but I understand they tend to suffer from inaccuracy due to even slight imperfections in the manufacturing of the jet openings.

    I think something more like a conventional round, with a heavier casing and more propellant might work. The casing gets ejected backwards and the projectile forwards, without imparting momentum to the barrel. You do need more propellant to get the same muzzle velocity though.

  • I’d imagine the shock loading into the drone’s structure would soon damage it if it was powerful enough to flip it. You’d need a significant damper to spread the shock out over a longer period. Alternatives are either recoilless rifles as suggested or something more akin to rockets, basically a tube that’s open at both ends, with a round that has enough propellant to fire without the need for a breech, and electronic ignition.

  • This is an approach to life sentences I’ve considered before; I would suggest the prisoner could only petition for execution after being incarcerated for a significant period (20 years or so maybe?) and having exhausted all possible legal appeals. The delay is there to ensure it’s not a decision taken in desperation and haste. By that point, if any new evidence to exonerate them is going to turn up, it probably has, although I acknowledge that’s not always the case.

    I’m not sure I’d equate it to voluntary euthenasia as the prisoner isn’t leaving jail alive either way. On the other hand, I can see why linking the two makes sense too.