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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • First year programming in the late 90s … segmentation fault? I put printfs everywhere. Heh. You’d still get faults before the prints happened, such a pain to debug while learning. Though we weren’t really taught your point of the comment at the time.

    Least that was my experience on an AIX system not sure if that was general or not, the crash before a print I mean.

  • The lady in the article said she might change her mind about voting for him if he was convicted of election interference. Like he just was, mean not exactly but the reason it was a felony was due to the election campaign. Least if I understood correctly, otherwise they’d have been misdemeanors. Or something like that anyways.

  • I may be wrong but I think it’d be the same issue in that the bios wouldn’t boot the OS from that sort of drive. For whatever reason that caused it I think it’d be a similar issue. That said by the time DVD drives being common enough for a server drive, most BIOSs would be able to handle it fine and a fair bit of time after this was needed.

    Though I kinda thought with proper configuration cd rom drives were all bootable, but I wasn’t working with servers in that era either so there were probably some mobos/bios that didn’t work properly for booting a cd/DVD drive. Closest to the time I was familiar with was XP and pretty sure that was expected to be CD bootable in 2001. So maybe this kicked in the bios support for bootable non floppy disc drives?

  • That’s the real reason he’s scared now, it’ll be known how little he actually has in equity once the AG has to start selling them off.

    I hope not, but I think there’s a strong possibility that Trump has a devil’s bargain available to get him the money but it’s almost worse than everyone knowing he’s pretty broke. Mean maybe not since that’s his whole charade, he pretty much kowtowed to Putin in front of cameras at Helsinki (think that’s the spot where he denied US intelligence agencie’s opinion) so here’s to hoping he’s actually going to have at least some comeuppance to his life of fraud.

  • It was also testified in a deposition (or similar that would be perjury for lying, maybe not by Trump I can’t recall) that he (or Trump org?) had 400million liquidity, so it shouldn’t be that big of an issue for him to come up with it. Even if he had to deal with the defamation bond. So he (or his lackey) told the courts that they could cover it, I mean a real estate billionaire down 100million should be able to come up with 150million (sorry if math is off, liquidity - defamation bond - tax-fraud bond difference) from non liquid assets without too much work right? I’m sure some bond company would cover it with proper collateral anyways. Hah. These are the chickens coming to roost you orange turd.

  • Software devs and designers usually fall under IT is my understanding but I can see why many people/places would make the distinction. Especially for companies that only write software, their IT would more be the infrastructure, but if they’re only writing software for in house use that’s more on the IT side. I could be completely wrong about this too, just how I saw them grouped.