I really hope so. I’m holding out for the formation of Cascadia/Ecotopia.
Leftists decided punishing Democrats was more important than the rights of marginalized people living in the US, so now we have Trump. Thanks leftists. You’re the reason we will have concentration camps again.
I really hope so. I’m holding out for the formation of Cascadia/Ecotopia.
Honestly, I don’t think that’s possible. At least not for the USA as a whole. If we want that sort of drastic change the US will need to dissolve into several smaller countries.
Our two-party first-past-the-post post-Citizen’s United system essentially guarantees we will never progress and it will always be a tug of war between two billionaire owned parties sliding to whatever policies the billionaires want.
I wish I lived in Scandinavia.
Wo ist hier?
It doesn’t change the fact that the people being polled are essentially saying they prefer the Democrat party to move more right.
Complaining about perceived misuse of terminology doesn’t change that fact.
Landline and cellphones but nobody I know, millennial or younger, answers phones anymore so your point is fair. Lol.
Ah makes sense.
Ah gotcha. And yeah I agree it’s dumb to not fluoridate our water but toothpaste companies need to be able to upcharge on extra fluoride toothpaste and dentists need work right? /s
Uh, here in Oregon it’s already been banned for a long time. This headline is sus.
You’re talking just about breakfast and for some reason kids. Eggs are simply used for much more than that.
They are used in custards, quiches, enriched breads, pasta, pastries, fried rice, egg salads, mayonnaise, etc. The list goes on. There is no real substitute for it.
Are (insert here) inflating prices?
Answer is always yes.
Get a government job they said. Employment will be stable they said.
Luckily I didn’t listen.
All billionaires plz. There’s not a single good one out there.
Whenever I see news like this, it makes me realize I haven’t consumed these products or used these services in years.
Almost everyone I know has stopped drinking soda, almost no one I know shops at Target, etc. It makes me wonder if I’m just in some bubble or if these companies are actually losing large swaths of their consumers and are just using shit like this to stay in the news and stay relevant.
That was an estimate. Around that time only about 2-4% identified as gay but it was estimated the real number was higher because homophobia kept most people in the closet.
Are they fighting each other or just hitting all of Europe in a pincer movement?
I like that her directive to combat leaking was itself leaked.
I’m holding out for the testicle electrodes.
I noticed Edge would only show me corporate/authority friendly results recently as well oddly cutting down the number of results I see to a very unnaturally short amount of results.
Deleting it and moving to DuckDuckGo which while the corporate friendly things were still at the top, it at least showed me some opposition results.