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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023

  • A university is a typically a collection of colleges (or schools).

    For example: Harvard University is made up of Harvard College, Harvard Business School, Harvard Divinity School, Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard Law School, Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, etc.

    For all intents and purposes - we use the word “college” and “university” interchangeably because they’re the same level of education. Either can do associates through doctoral.

    Community colleges, however, only focus on 2 year degrees and certain certifications.

  • pinwurm@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlBenefits of smoking cigarettes?
    11 months ago

    You want to kill germs? Use mouthwash. There’s pretty much nothing beneficial about smoking cigarettes.

    Even when you take the health considerations out of account, you will reek. I assure you, nobody wants to spend time around a partner that emits a nauseating scent. It’s a bad habit in every sense of the term.

    Yes - nicotine can be a quick stress reliever. That’s about al it’s good for.

    I understand that you need something to help you get through the days, but there are tons of other things that you could do.

    Heck, even switching to vaping will improve your health outcomes considerably. And you won’t smell.

    I don’t know why you’re fighting your girlfriend on this, it seems like she’s genuinely concerned and you’re being so stubborn as to look online to justify your addiction. Yes, you are addicted. You smoke more than a pack a week and refuse to quit or offer a compromising alternative. If I was her, I’d leave you.

  • I listen to a bit of everything. Bands in my recent rotation include Low, 3rd Secret, Motörhead, Rick James, L7 and Joji, Aimee Mann, Mdou Moctar, Aphex Twin, Beastie Boys. Donny Benet

    King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard’s PetroDragon Apocalypse is my favorite album all year.

    My favorite all time genre is industrial. So stuff like The Young Gods, Nine Inch Nails, Skinny Puppy, Front Line Assembly, KMFDM, Ministry, Filter, Mulitple Man, Meat Beat Manifesto, Pig, Emptyset, Youth Code, Atari Teenage Riot / Alec Empire, My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult, Download…

  • pinwurm@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlInsurance in US
    1 year ago

    Indeed. Prior to 2010 - it was a roll of the dice. If insurance wasn’t provided through your work, you had to be lucky enough to live in a State with decent laws preventing some of these predatory insurance practices. Back then, the uninsured rate was close to 19%. Almost 1 in 5 Americans.

    Today, that rate is 8.4%. Which hails the victory of the ACA because “91.6% of Americans have insurance” sounds nice. And compared to where we were 13 years ago, it is nice.

    In reality, we have 28 million uninsured people, many of whom are children. There’s a long way to go.

    While I’m personally satisfied with my level of coverage and standard of care, I don’t understand how we can comfortably accept a society that bankrupts our most vulnerable residents for being sick. I’m baffled how this wasn’t already solved or mostly resolved in my lifetime. Or at least seeing more states take on the Hawaii or Massachusetts health care models.

  • pinwurm@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlInsurance in US
    1 year ago

    An individual can sign up for a plan through their State’s health insurance exchange or the federal government’s HealthCare.gov website.

    It is usually more expensive than getting it through an employer - but works to serve small business owners, freelancers, etc.

    A few States (like Massachusetts) have semi-universal systems that cover all individuals that earn under 150% of poverty, independent students, newly unemployed, etc.

    A lot of Americans are also covered under Medicare, Medicaid , Social Security and other programs.

    Retirees aged 65 and older are eligible for Medicare - a semi-universal federal system that covers pretty much everything and accepted most places.

  • They are two different apps with different developers/contributors and different visions.

    There’s huge difference in where each are in their current stage of development, but keep in mind both of the apps will look & act completely different in a few weeks.

    Mlem’s beta test has met it’s 10K user limit, but there’s still room Memmy. Give it a try. Join the Discord after and talk to the developers/contributors about what you think - they’re very responsive.

  • Unironically, Ellen Pao was the best CEO Reddit’s ever had.

    She made a lot of difficult and fair choices for the future health of the company.
    Reddit needed to be cleaned if they wanted to attract a larger audience and increase ad revenue. Heck, that was her job - and I believe banning hate subreddits was appropriate. There was expected blowback, but I suspect that’d be smoothed over in time.

    The mistake was dismissing Victoria. That completely destroyed the beloved AMA format. It also coincided with the infamous Rampart disaster. 10-15 answered softball questions, and Harrelson treated it like another press junket. I mean, why wouldn’t he?
    There was no Reddit ambassador to explain how the format works, what makes it successful and why it’s important for the success of what they’re promoting.

    More importantly, it validated Reddit’s belief that Pao was not fit to lead Reddit, because she didn’t understand it. Much of the community thought she was only brought aboard to placate accusations of sexism in the organization. It didn’t help.

    And still, Pao was big enough to admit when she’s wrong: We screwed up. Not just on July 2, but also over the past several years. We haven’t communicated well, and we have surprised moderators and the community with big changes. We have apologized and made promises to you, the moderators and the community, over many years, but time and again, we haven’t delivered on them. When you’ve had feedback or requests, we haven’t always been responsive. The mods and the community have lost trust in me and in us, the administrators of reddit.

    What do you think the odds of a narcissist like u/Spez ever holding himself the least bit accountable? If he’s not fired, he won’t.

    But ya know what? Fine. Let him follow in Elon’s footsteps and see what happens.

  • Spez started the site to make money. This was always true - a completely typical reason to start a company. When there was no community in the early days - he made fake accounts, and fake conversations to generate traffic to attract attention. So Spez is someone that’s always used dishonesty to get what he wants.

    Aaron joined the site because he saw it’s potential as a tool for civic engagement and political awareness. He left when he saw what Reddit was becoming… or really - what it always had been: a tool to extract wealth from its unknowing volunteers.

    Aaron and Spez weren’t friends. They were business partners for a very short period of time. To the best of my knowledge, that’s all there is to it.

    I speculate that Aaron would feel unfazed by what Reddit looks like today… because it’s expected. The founders are people that make the Forbes 30 Under 30, marry world famous pro athletes, and are worth tens of millions of dollars. They’re divorced from reality.

    I would hope that open and decentralized online spaces like Lemmy reflect the sort of values & ideas Aaron spent his life advocating for.

  • I’ve got two for Lemmy.

    mlem is currently being developed for iOS with around ~20 contributors. It’s in early open beta, and I’m psyched because there’s supposed to be a massive update between now and tomorrow.

    memmy for iOS looks promising. Really intuitive ‘swipe to upvote/downvote/reply’ feature and browses similarly to Apollo. It’s very barebones right now, the project is just a few days old and there’s one developer (as far as I know).

  • Great video, always a fan of Rossman (even if there’s a few times where I disagree with him).

    Blackout absolutely needs to be indefinite and I’m glad to see massive communities like r/funny, r/aww, r/science, r/music still going strong with r/gaming and r/pics set to private.

    We have about two weeks until the 3rd Party App kill date. Meanwhile, numbers in Lemmy have been booming, indie developers are actively working on apps - all great news.

    Personally, I’m not quite ready to delete my Reddit Account and leave some of the niche communities I grew to love. I suspect that after the blackouts, I’ll be using both Lemmy & my old.reddit (with adblock) until there’s enough migration of users.