Yes, it’s safe, it’s very safe, it’s so safe you wouldn’t believe it.
No…it’s not safe, it’s very dangerous, so be careful.
Yes, it’s safe, it’s very safe, it’s so safe you wouldn’t believe it.
No…it’s not safe, it’s very dangerous, so be careful.
Is it live*
Texas schools need $X funding. The Texas Lottery was meant to add $Y dollars to education. The lottery was sold to the public as meaning schools would be funded to the tune of $(X + Y) each year.
Instead, the state funds $(X - Y). Instead of supplementing education funds, the lottery supplants it. And it’s the exact same thing with tipping culture.
(I’d bet this is how most state lotteries which fund education operate.)
This was such a compensating thing. Tried to back out of the deal, wasn’t allowed to, then made this dumbass dad joke. “I meant to do that” vibes, fucking pathetic.
Drumpf is obsessed with rally size, skuM is obsessed with twitter engagement. Rotten tomatoh, decomposing tomahto.
I think that’s what the college kids were playing with when I was in high school.
Started college in 1995, and I indeed did have ICQ before too long. Still remember my number (6725571).
You probably had all three installed on your computer and probably all running at once.
I remember using a program called Trillian (which is still around!) in the late 90s/early 00s. It allowed you to connect multiple IM accounts in one app. It was sorta finicky, but it got the job done.
Seventy thousand dollhairs.
You have no idea what I’m capable of in <<City>>. 🤣
Such an obvious mail merge. I’d imagine there is a way to automate pulling the Google Street View images and pasting them in the document, but I don’t know how it’s done.
But yeah, I got version 1 from that article and just shook my head at such a pathetic extortion attempt. I was like, “C’mon now…everyone in my life knows I’m a polyamorous hedonist. I could sell some of them whatever video you could ever possibly have of me that you definitely don’t. 😂”
I taught last year in a district near Dallas, TX where 70% of students were on a free or reduced lunch plan. This year, I am teaching in a district near Portland, OR where breakfast and lunch is free for every student, as it should be.
Yup, and I promptly left Texas for Oregon this summer. Granted, it was because of the fascist state government criminalizing me and my kids for being trans, but still…
The Air Force once injected an unsolved, 1000-year-old mathematical puzzle written in another language into the game Prometheus, and an unemployed college dropout genius who lived with his mom solved it, got recruited to participate in a highly classified mission to the planet P4X-351 where he, a crew of Air Force officers and personnel, and a few civilian scientists ended up being forced to evacuate due to an impending planet-wide explosion (as well as an aerial assault by a band of space pirates) by jumping through a stable wormhole whose terminus was aboard the starship Destiny - an abandoned scientific vessel launched one million years prior by a species known as The Ancients who had planned to use it to travel to the center of the known universe.
I forgot my ANOVA when I moved this summer. Now, I’m not that sorry I did.
Oh no…there’s no modifying of a school district’s technology allowed. That’s just not a thing, at least not that I’ve heard of in the US. Thanks for the recommendations, though, maybe it’ll help someone else.
Oh I know, but it’s not about the charger at this point; it’s about the company and their stupid, stupid operating system that is dumb.
I hate Apple so god damned much. When I got started in 2003 with the cohort I was in for my elementary education degree, the university required us to get an Apple MacBook G4. We weren’t allowed to choose any other laptop, just that one, and we had to get it from the campus computer store (so of course the school was getting a kickback 🖕).
The power cord on those had a weird round dongle on the end that plugged into the computer. In the center of the dongle was a very thin pin. So, of course, I accidentally tripped on it, and the pin snapped off inside the computer. Easy enough to remove, but it meant I had to buy a brand new adapter to do my coursework.
Eighty fucking dollars. And there were no third-party adapters at the time (at least when I looked). Oh, and that replacement adapter? CAUGHT ON FUCKING FIRE.
I have not spend a dime on anything Apple touches since then. I’ve been issued iPads by school districts for which I’ve worked in the past, but those pretty much stay locked up in my cabinet. Nope…no Apple Music, no Apple TV, not even a covered-by-the-district $1.99 app for my school iPad.
Luckily, as teacher, I’ve either been issued a Dell or at the very least a MacBook Air with Windows 10 bootcamped every year since. Unfortunately, I am in a new district in Oregon this year (had been in Texas), and my device this year is a non-bootcampable MacBook Air. 🤬
“Mr. Ketchum, I’m afraid we’re going to have to let you go. I know you have worked hard to switch careers since retiring from the cock fighting scene or whatever, but your heart just doesn’t seem to be in it for you to be successful as a Central Parts Allocation Center representative for our multinational information technology service and consulting company.”
Firin’ Ash
Yes, the EU will certainly kowtow to him and bend the knee. 🙄