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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 15th, 2023


  • I agree somewhat with your post but this comment is utter nonsense. Diet has everything to do with it. Calories in, calories out is an immutable fact. The law of conservation of mass. However, not all calories are equal.

    Obesity IS unhealthy. There are no two ways about it, but people just blame the individual, saying you just need to eat less, or or exercise more, are genuinely stupid.

    There are many root causes. Modern diets are absolute garbage for one. Mass production of foods, fast foods, sedentary lifestyles from young ages, poor eating habits, etc… has absolutely fucked a lot of people.

    Cravings can be addictions.

    The body can quite literally work against itself. The brain can be so self destructive (which seems so ironic to me).

    The world compounds that by creating body dysmorphia, either through transphobia, or celebrated body types that are unobtainable without great genetics and constant training (whose got time for that, do I really need a 6 pack?).

    You don’t need to be fit to be beautiful, but don’t conflate that with “obesity is not unhealthy”, because it is.

    Extra weight on your your hips and legs will wear them out quicker. It pushes on your lungs and makes it harder to breathe. It makes your heart work harder to pump blood throughout your body.

    I know from personal experience. It was terrible.

    High cholesterol, high blood pressure… these things WILL kill you.

    Being a healthy weight, everything just feels better. More energy, moving around, getting up, sitting down, I go on and on.

    My point is:

    People are fat phobic and super fucking ignorant about it. There are.mamy causes, and sometimes people get given a really unfair dice roll, both environmentally and generically.

    But obesity is still unhealthy, and if you are obese, I hope you can find something that works for you.

  • I used to agree with this until I got hit with PTSD.

    Then I had cravings that were next to impossible to say no to.

    I wouldn’t even be hungry and I’d be screaming at myself internally that I didn’t even need this, and yet I wouldn’t be able to stop.

    Ultimately my therapy and medication was able to help stabilize and, almost like magic, I could say no again. My Dr said it it is literally an addiction.

    People will always judge and OP is ignorant AF.

    It also doesn’t help that modern diets are built on mass production and mass consumption of sugars which isn’t good for us.

  • I watched the show and I can provide some context.

    He did make some jokes but they weren’t about trans so much but about his relationship with the community.

    The handicap jokes were about making fun of himself and his comedy and how he is viewed by the trans community. It was expressed for shock value too. Said in a way to show he doesn’t care who he makes fun of, that no people are safe from his humor. It fell kind of flat for me but it did not “fill his routine” as the article states.

    The punching down joke was clearly sarcasm.

    That being said, I found his standup to be as you described. Kind of tired and old.

    He told a story about meeting Jim Carrey, while he was filming Man in the Moon. Jim was immersed in his role and everyone was talking to him, as if he was Andy Kaufman, even off set. Dave compared that to trans. Like he knew he was talking to one gender but he had to pretend they were another gender. He didn’t explicitly say it that way, but that is what I inferred.

    I have been a huge Chappelle fan. I have seen him really highlight hypocrisy and double standards in a cutting, but hilarious and insightful way.

    But, I felt this latest standup was not particularly witty or insightful. At least when his set invloved LGBTQ. I felt he was just poking the bear to have the last word kind of thing.

    His Jim Carrey story just made me feel sad because it made me believe that he really doesn’t understand. Jim Carrey was trying to become someone he truly wasn’t. Someone, whom is trans, is trying to become the person they truly believe they are.

    He had some good insight, for me, about what it meant to him, when Wil Smith hit Chris Rock and he segued that into people’s dreams and the underlying theme of the show. But then he taked about them both being men and it just reminded me that toxic masculinity is a real thing, but his set did not address it.

    He talked about Lil Nas X and even though it was meant to come across as supportive, it felt forced.

    But overall, I felt the jokes that involved trans were low hanging at best, and baiting at worst.

    However, this “article” and the response to it, is exactly why he told those jokes the way he did. The Independent doesn’t care, they are just playing the game to get clicks.

    The most passionate response to Dave’s routine shouldn’t be more than, “That was it?”

  • You can’t even make a real argument, and just use sarcasm and personal attacks.

    Be angry at me all you want.

    But next time you see such an obviously baiting headline, like this “article”… ask yourself if it’s a real article or just clickbait that wants to trick you into scrolling through 40 ads to read something that doesn’t expand on the headline AT ALL.

    And then wonder if there is a lot of “news” floating out there meant to make you angry just so you drive traffic to the source.

    If you question this kind of nonsense even once, moving forward, then these last 10 minutes was well worth the effort.