Could also be xcom?
Could also be xcom?
But fentanyl activists say Trump is at least drawing attention to the issue, whereas the Biden administration, they say, is not.
“We don’t feel seen, we don’t feel heard,” said Allen. “I’m surprised that somebody hasn’t realized or figured out that this is a huge population of people, that if we believe that you were going to respond to this and do something about it, you could very easily earn our favor.”
Kinetic deployment of subdermal murder mittens
you only get one body so may as well look after it
That’s a really good way of putting it.
this is the only thing I’ve found that allows me to escape my mind and be in the moment
That’s what I really like about snowboarding and inline skating - if I’m not focusing on the activity, I take a tumble, so I have to pay attention. I don’t know if either of those are something you’d enjoy, but maybe give them a shot?
I’m really sorry that’s how things ended up for you. Best of luck.
I have a sedentary job as a software developer so it’s good to be more active.
would you continue this hobby even though it’s wrecking my hands
As a software developer who also has fucked up hands, no. This is your meal ticket. Don’t mess with it. Being depressed with a job is way better than being depressed without a job and a disability.
I’ve actively avoided activities that use my hands because I don’t want to mess them up more. It sucks, but that’s where we’re at.
I don’t know what activity to recommend. I do leg-centric stuff: swimming, inline skating, snowboarding, and soccer. I don’t know if those would be good for you.
Edit: sorry. That came across as hostile. My hand situation is managed, but it still gets to me. I’m trying to say that you should take care of yourself and your hands. The short-term gain of an activity that messes you up isn’t worth it.
Exercise feels great, and I hope you find something that works for your mind and your body.
A recent Johns Hopkins study claims more than 250,000 people in the U.S. die every year from medical errors. Other reports claim the numbers to be as high as 440,000.
Medical errors are the third-leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer.
Advocates are fighting back, pushing for greater legislation for patient safety.
Environmental/political activism. I used to be pretty active in local groups. When I had kids, I bowed out to help my spouse. Now that I have time again, I feel unmotivated - news is just so damn depressing.
How do you market an encryption platform exclusively to criminals?
Apparently through word of mouth and suggestions by undercover agents.
innocents that downloaded this as a secure messaging system
The app wasn’t made available for download. The FBI bought a few thousand Pixels, flashed a custom ROM onto them, and then installed the messaging apps. In theory they cost thousands of dollars to buy.
It’s entirely possible some innocents used the system, but it’s unclear how selling rooted hardware to alleged criminals would induce them to commit crime.
Entrapment techniques like that make me sick.
What was the entrapment? The FBI sold phones to suspected criminals and monitored the conversations, didn’t they?
A Ukrainian woman is being hailed for her bravery after she confronted a heavily-armed Russian soldier and offered him sunflower seeds — so that they might bloom when he dies.
She should be standing in sunflowers.
I enjoyed the first two seasons, even if they were kind of meh. I’ll watch this one when it comes out.
Be better, dictators
I’m guessing you’re talking about debit cards. From the Canadian Government: yes.
In detail:
Payment terminals can also be built to feed into a retailer’s “customer relationship management” database so that a retailer can track your purchases and tie those to other information about you, such as your email address, if you have given it to them. Financial institutions and payment card network operators could also profile you based on your purchase information.
This purchase information could potentially be shared and linked with information held by loyalty card companies, data brokers, or marketers.
If it’s possible, then it’s a revenue stream, so I assume it’d be done.
Your mouse movement and keyboard events are available to webpages that you’ve loaded, when the browser window is focused.
This isn’t nefarious - it allows websites to build nice UIs that most people enjoy using, most of the time.
There’s lots of shady stuff going on in browsers, this isn’t really one of them.
I have vivid memories of sitting through the copyright banner/FBI warning, waiting for the janky menu to load, trying to figure out which button had focus, starting the movie, sitting through ads for movies that came out years ago, and then the movie would play.
Maybe my memory isn’t accurate, but I don’t miss DVD menus.
You are correct. If I’m at a store, I dislike the amount of waste a bowl/spoon adds, but it’s a better experience.
yes yes, but the robot cannot strike, you see, because one robot must make the strike motion, another robot must second the strike motion, and then all the robots must vote. if there is no robot to second the strike motion, then no robots may vote, meaning the strike cannot pass.