Isn’t big picture only 720p?
Isn’t big picture only 720p?
He can’t do anything with these shares, by the time he can they will be worthless.
Didn’t Musk teach you anything? You never sell the shares you borrow against them.
While that might be true, she should just take a leave of absence and let her people get this to trial. The most important thing is to get these cases started. Fight your moral victories later, this is too important.
Problem is getting a conviction in time. Of all the criminal cases, the only one that might have a verdict in time is the hush money one and I don’t think that rises to a felony.
I don’t get why people idolize him so much. Paying to go to seminars and such. Yes buy assets not liabilities, not complicated but he regularly pushes over leveraging yourself and working in the grey area of financial independence. Him and Ramsey provide good advice on targeted subjects but going all in and following these idols will lead to ruin for most.
Everyone paints landlords as money grubbing evil people. I own a couple rental houses and set prices so that my return is 7% annually. While that may paint me as the description above realize this; that price was set when I set a tenant and only increases with inflation. The majority of my units are 25% below market rates because once I have a good tenant I don’t see a reason to make more work for me. 7% return and I never hear from them is worth it in my mind.
If it just adds content to radarr and sonarr, it wouldn’t matter for Plex. Just set to scan folder for changes.
And he raw dogged.