True, but a mobile phone is basically a world brain, calculator, camera, flashlight, you can watch movies on it in hi def, hate it all you want, it’s one of the most versatile tools on the planet. An echo dot, it just spy garbage and nothing else
True, but a mobile phone is basically a world brain, calculator, camera, flashlight, you can watch movies on it in hi def, hate it all you want, it’s one of the most versatile tools on the planet. An echo dot, it just spy garbage and nothing else
So i was thinking about this some time now. EV’s are pretty specific and where i live, i have never seen a garage that specialised on EV’s in general. So when you import a car like that from a brand no one over here has heard off, what do you do with it when you have a problem, or need to get it serviced?
Even if they don’t torch them themselves because of bedbugs or whatever, they must be so happy for every car that burns down, because it’s another car they can never fix that is gone, and they still get the money because i assume they are insured?
What about mouthwash? What about huffing paint?
People who bought cola before won’t stop anyway. That has little to do with the shape
That’s like an hour of playing gold for him
If he’s not allowed he’s not gonna do it.
I don’t buy that shit for a second. He can’t tell the truth if he wanted to. Back when he made these claims, overwatch just launched and he spend all day on twitter telling people he works 20 hours a day, plays a lot of overwatch, binges 6 different animes, and spends a lot of time with his family.
I think it’s only getting worse. I always assumed the next generation will be more tech savvy than the last one. I had to learn windows/mac/dos when i grew up, just to play some video games. There was a lot of troubleshooting and hardware problems i had to figure out. When i was 25, people would tell me that their 5 year old can use their ipd better than they can. (Ipads just came out.) I thought these kids are gonna be computer wizards when they grow up. It was the absolute opposite. I talked to these kids when they were around 16 again, and they were absolutely clueless. If it wasn’t an ipad or an app they could use, they might as well play with a piece of glass. Can you do … On an ipad? Hmm, what app is that? It’s not an app is something you do, like a setting. Hmmm… I’ll check the app store.
It’s all gods plan and the kid is now playing wiffleball with jesus.
My doctor has a point, but Diane, the flatearther also has a point.
Taking a loan to buy a tesla to then hide in the garage to own the libs.
Oh this time they get him /s
These fat kids aren’t even fuckable anymore. Do something mr. Trump
It’s an american thing, you wouldn’t understand
I always wonder what else these people do/consume they know nothing about. Smoking? Drinking? Eating factory meat? Going to McDonald’s? Aspirin? Do they check the label what’s in aspirin? These are shitty excuses if you choose to belive some cunt on facebook instead of your doctor.
Build a dome, build a dome.
There is no way they are not cheering for everyone of these cars who goes up in flames. They are insured and it’s always one less that they have to fix but can’t.
Eh, deep down i think these fuckers know. McDonald’s only haf stuff inside i trust. I know everything that is in aspirin. It’s all bullshit.