• 9 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 16th, 2023


  • this should hilight to us the outsized effect transphobia has on discourse.

    if we were to believe the line that “we’re just concerned about people getting mutilated” we must naturally expect to see that 97% margin of outrage at breast implants, hair implants, weight management surgery etc. for cis folk.

    and we don’t. here and there you might hear an evangelical getting upsetti spaghetti avout Ozempic et al but transphobic talking points dominate, in vast disproportion to actual individual cases.

  • as soon as we get ranked choice voting i’m starting a party whose whole platform is to shred the constitution and rewrite it every eight years. (open to suggestions on this timeline this part is mostly sarcasm)

    what the heck is the purpose of license plates if not to be read so as to identify and prevent driving hazards?

    here’s a hint: the constitution says nothing about license plates. (it also says absolutely nothing about assault rifles and other massively deadly weapons, coincidentally.) making appeals to this ancient ass document like it’s holy scripture is almost as cringe as referencing literal religious scripture when writing policy.

    “but license plate readers are an infringement on my privacy—“ you know what else is an infringement? fucking cops who can read your plates, pull you over, and potentially fucken kill you because you didn’t perfectly perform the authoritarian script we impose on drivers in an already uniquely stressful situation, something that happens, especially when you happen to be a person of color. the cool thing about cameras is they don’t kill.

    i want safe roads with safe drivers that kill fewer people per year. i want cops that interact with fewer people so fewer state-sponsored hate crimes happen. to that end, i’d take in any universe some cameras that can see my license plates and fine me over the authoritarian residing army we have in our streets today.

    the constitution can eat dirt.

  • I didn’t originally state that past observations are rigorous; that is the conclusion of the entire body of science and human understanding since its inception. I absolutely get what you are saying, but unless you can cite a really good point-by-point takedown of John Locke, David Hume, Karl Popper, and the like, none of this holds any water.

    Put very simply, the common epithet, “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results,” has its roots in meaningful philosophy. Past experience is literally all we have, and any system of thought that discounts this is operating on less than nothing.

    Sadly, you seem really out of your depth here. I won’t argue any further because of this, sorry.

    I recommend reading up on basic philosophy of science, human knowledge, and methodology.