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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 24th, 2024

  • AFAIK FF is implementing Manifest V3 so that those add on developers who are migrating to it don’t lose FF compatibility. As long as they don’t deprecate Manifest V2 for those that need it, ad blockers will continue to be usable.

    edit: although I’ll add that there’s a major problem here that Mozilla simply can’t address. If ad block stops working on chromium browsers, and ad block users all migrate to Firefox, then that makes it a lot easier for Google or others to target users of those browsers and deny them access to their sites. Imagine if Google goes scorched earth on all browsers that support manifest v2.

  • ssj2marx@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlAverage US presidential debate
    2 days ago

    If you had enough people to do the thing, then you would be able to protect members of the group at a local level while national orgs realign and/or get replaced.

    But nobody has a large enough group of people to do the thing. In the absence of a large enough group of people to do the thing, voting is a purely personal decision that will not effect the outcome.

  • ssj2marx@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlAverage US presidential debate
    2 days ago

    As I’ve said elsewhere, to fix it from within the system itself you would need a bloc of people willing to punish one of the parties for moving right by withholding their votes and their donations. To fix it from without the system is also possible, but would require some “authoritarianism” in the form of people with guns. Anything else is just people flailing around ineffectually and getting mad at others who aren’t flailing in the ineffectual way that they prefer.

    Either way you’ve got the same problem: getting a large enough group of people together who are willing to do the thing. Socialists of all stripes have been trying to crack that egg for over a hundred years and the only ones who had any success were the ones that managed to get the peasants on their side because peasants have a certain amount of class consciousness that proles don’t.

  • ssj2marx@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlAverage US presidential debate
    2 days ago

    If choosing red or blue doesn’t work, and choosing another option also doesn’t work, then what good does feeling self righteous about your decision to pick one over the other do? Unless you’re suggesting that the shitty reality of our situation is that we’re fucked and nothing will work at all no matter what - which is a level of defeatism that I don’t think is very helpful either.

  • If the Dreamcast hadn’t had the misfortune of coming out during the objectively best console generation, it would have done fine - but also, if it hadn’t been the latest in a series of flops (Sega CD, 32x, Saturn), then maybe the Dreamcast’s failure wouldn’t have driven Sega out of the console market. Sega struck gold with the Genesis and they just couldn’t replicate it, RIP to a real one,

  • ssj2marx@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlAverage US presidential debate
    2 days ago

    Lemmitors: You don’t understand! I’m not voting for Slightly More Rotting Corpse, I’m voting for the Slightly More Rotting Corpse administration. Yes it’s true that both of them support nuclear warfare along the Mexican border, but Rotting Corpse would be dropping more nukes with higher frequency on the climate refugees so we have to vote for the lesser evil.

  • Who will be the judge?

    The same people that should judge every criminal proceeding. Of course it’s not going to be perfect, but this is a case of not letting perfect be the enemy of good. Allowing generated or drawn images of sexualized children to exist has external costs to society in the form of normalizing the concept.

    The argument that making generated or drawn CSAM illegal is bad because the feds might plant such images on an activist is incoherent. If you’re worried about that, why not worry that they’ll plant actual CSAM on your computer?

  • there cannot be developed a scale or spectrum to judge where the fake stops and real starts

    Ah, but my definition didn’t at all rely on whether or not the images were “real” or “fake”, did it? An image is not merely an arrangement of pixels in a jpeg, you understand - an image has a social context that tells us what it is and why it was created. It doesn’t matter if there were real actors or not, if it’s an image of a child and it’s being sexualized, it should be considered CSAM.

    And yes I understand that that will always be a subjective judgement with a grey area, but not every law needs to have a perfectly defined line where the legal becomes the illegal. A justice system should not be a computer program that simply runs the numbers and delivers an output.