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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • Okay. A lot to unpack here. You’re right that nurses can go to a different facility to work, but not nearly as easily or quickly as they can move staffing agencies in the current climate. At this point, you can pretty much just call a new agency and say that you can start tomorrow, and somebody will make that happen for you.

    I want a preface but I’m about to say by saying that I do ultimately like the idea of unions, but it’s just as dangerous to say that they’re evil as it is to say that they are perfectly, and infallibly good. A union is simply a group of people uniting for collective benefit. One person cannot be a Union. What would they be uniting with? The power of a union is in their numbers.

    With regard to the last point, I think you need to look up what hearsay is. I literally heard the guy say it over the phone with my own ears. The short version of the story is that one of his guys was a truck driver who got impatient and chose to drive a fully loaded semi around a closed railroad crossing and got hit by a train causing, what he kept referring to as around a million dollars in damage. Obviously his supervisor tried to fire him on the spot. It’s miraculous that no one died, and I don’t want a truck driver like that on the road where me and my family drive, but he used the threat of collective action to get the guy his job back because, in his words, "he has had no other disciplinary action in the last 5 years that he’s worked there ". In my humble opinion, when your actions cause you to be not only a poorly performing employee, but actually in danger public safety with your actions, I think that is a valid termination, but the union wouldn’t let it happen.

    Police unions are the most guilty of this. You can read all the time about cops who get put on 30 days of paid leave after they beat the shit out of a handcuffed black guy during a traffic stop or something.

  • I absolutely agree that a major portion of the issue comes back to whoever is writing the checks for staffing and so forth, but consider the following as well: on occasion, some unions can be guilty of over lenience when it comes to accountability of the employees involved (ask me about some phone calls I overheard from one of my patients who was a union leader of the local chapter of the Teamsters Union), but on the whole the results are much better than for staffing agencies. The problem is because someone can’t just go to a different union if they don’t like the conditions, and everyone is on the same playing field. If a nurse works for a staffing agency, and feels that they are being oppressed by corrective actions because they don’t feel like coming in on time, or doing basic parts of their job, they can just choose to go to a different staffing agency with more flexible interpretations of policy, who will be happy to take them because reasons. It becomes a race to the top for facilities for patient survey scores, and a race to the bottom for staffing agencies for a accountability of their staff.

  • This isn’t about some grandiose violation of workers rights. This is about people who would allow somebody’s incontinent, confused grandmother to sit in her own feces for an hour because she refuses to work near someone who criticized the condition of her car or some similar nonsense. She’s refusing to do parts of the job that she signed on to do simply because she doesn’t want to do it. That’s not being an empowered worker, or standing up for yourself, that’s just being a child.

    As for that line about advocacy. I have no more ability to enact changes like this than the janitors do. I’m not on the board of directors or anything, I just get placed as nursing supervisor periodically when I’m not doing my normal job.

    I’ll tell you right now, this place is not good. It’s run by an outfit called Genesis, and they’re terrible at everything, but there are residents here who don’t have anywhere else to go, so I take care of them to the best of my ability.