I have peepee doodoo caca brains.

  • 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 19th, 2024


  • This is why you sign and encrypt the contents of email. If the recipient doesn’t have the public key, they can’t read the content.

    Allowing a service provider to “handle your keys” is tantamount to letting the fox watch the henhouse.

    Proton doesn’t provide IMAP/SMTP access for free accounts, so you won’t be able to encrypt emails locally.

    This ultimately is the tech version of “trust me bro”. This means you are as secure on Proton as you are on GMail, depending upon how you use the service.

  • No, I wasn’t referring to her. FFS. Like I understand why you would say that, because him considering his own suffering is just too selfish to be taken into consideration when asking why he did it, and us considering it as a part of his decision making process or that laws and systemic issues line this shit up like bowling pins? Noo! That’s not allowed when considering motive… he’s just EVIL which is a scientific term and influenced by SATAN because he DIDNT VOTE REPUBLICAN and probably LIVED AMONGST IMMIGRANTS /s

    Like seriously, Americans are fucking stupid sometimes.

  • “Inconvenienced”?

    Oh I’m sorry. Taking care of someone for the rest of their lives, not being able to, not having the means to and all the while suffering for it is something you think is a walk in the fucking park?

    I think the key word here is “suffer”. Americans worship suffering. It gives them a hard on. So when someone wants to end the suffering, that’s an insult. Typical ugly American mentality, devoid of any understanding for human nature and full of piss and vinegar. Also, it’s unrealistic and kind of naive, because I bet this happens more often than you think - but it’s hard to actually figure out. Why? Let me count the ways.

    You have a judicial system committing mass judicial murder on a weekly basis “because you can’t afford the fight the case”, a for profit health sector that would pull plugs in concert if an insurance company told them to, doctors and surgeons dodging malpractice suits on a cross-state basis like it’s a sport and you’re probably happy knowing he’ll be sent to a for profit prison system that makes profits in the billions, where he’ll become a slave for the state to “pay back his debt to society”.

    But sure, means and needs were not the issue. He should have pulled himself up by his bootstraps and gotten that 4th job.

  • Maybe? I mean the big criticism is that it’s just highly processed food at the end of the day and that the process of production is what is the issue. This is of course an argument made by what you may call food purists, who’d rather you spend money on a proper blender than rely on big corporations to form Scop 2.0.

    But that’s not what Ronnie boy is thinking about. Oh no. He’s thinking about “owning the libs”, “showing them what for”, and what kind of cretinous, disingenuous bastard he can be. He would gladly invest in something like Scop 2.0 if it made a lot of money, AND performatively ban it in his state if it vaguely had an LGBTQ+ tinge to it.

    This is a careful reminder that some states banned solar panels out of spite… because people elect absolute troglodytes to represent them, and then have the balls to talk about “free markets”.

    GTFO here with your fake self. In fact, take the whole republican party with you.

  • In some cases, that’s still not possible for m, although my personal laptop that I use daily runs Fedora Atomic.

    But I also recently reinstalled another laptop with Windows 11, promptly stripped the whole thing of all kinds of apps and services, installed a bunch of audio software, libraries, etc, to prepare a machine to be show worthy.

    When the day comes and Ableton ports Live to Linux proper is when I will forego a bulk of my VST’s, but running it under wine for real-time purposes is not reliable at all - so eh. There’s Bigwig, but I got like years of Max patches that I just can’t live without, and I don’t need just a DAW. In fact, if you ask me to leave Live, I’ll tell you to fly a kite.

    Same issue it’s always been, unfortunately, that vendors do not support the Linux desktop. Go bother the vendors about platform supoort. I do, frequently. In fact, time for another ticket - and this one is going to be political.

    Thanks for the reminder.