Factorio space age. Can cracktorio got laced with space
Factorio space age. Can cracktorio got laced with space
Perhaps it’s not procrastinating, but instead it’s executive dysfunction. Or not but from someone who has really bad executive dysfunction, that kinda sounds like it.
Perhaps talk to your therapist about that, and perhaps some research as lots of times people with executive dysfunction think it’s just procrastination which are two separate things.
I do not understand the question
Completely agree. Ironically most news I get is second hand news from others on TikTok, not people reporting news but talking about stuff that’s happening they learned. And before anybody says this. No I don’t take any website app or person at face value. I do my research. TikTok usually is pretty accurate when it’s not one of the “News reporting” accounts
What’s next? Google becoming evil ?
Fuck yes no rumble to remove. Definitely looking into this. Fuck rumble imo