Man that is such a painful travesty. I can’t imagine trashing your friend and cofounder into the trash like that after what happened. We will remember Aaron.
Man that is such a painful travesty. I can’t imagine trashing your friend and cofounder into the trash like that after what happened. We will remember Aaron.
I had all my comments admin removed that were criticizing Russia from an academic perspective and academic tone. I even cite and quote well respected interns relations journals that are totally neutral to traditional conservative in leaning. Nope.
What’s so utterly bizarre is that the “conservative” community on Reddit keeps blasting that it’s “ultra-left.” If plainly stating “Russia’s war time economy is something I don’t like” is “ultra-left” then I am fucked and probably already on a list haha
Welcome! Similar story. I upvoted on a long standing account and got warned. Not sure which upvote did it. I’ve got a few hundred thousand karma across accounts. Had a fair share of OC hitall. Pretty typical engaged user.
Then I tried to help someone in a niche sub with buying bedding. And auto admin mod kept removing my comment post. Then the sub mods messaged me and said they tried to make my comment visible multiple times and couldn’t override the admin.
Then I followed mod advice and reposted my helpful comment only to get an auto banned on all accounts from the admin for “spam” (for two comments? Really?). The sub admin were able to override the ban and reinstate me since I did nothing wrong.
It’s way too frustrating to deal with. Out of the past year like 800 normal/helpful comments of mine have been shadow removed or admin removed.
At that point I’m just talking to myself. After 12 years, I never thought I’d leave Reddit but here we are. Happy to be on Lemmy.
lol Jesus Christ Thanks for sharing
Yeah springer was a lawyer and later regretted everything from what I read.
I’m from Reddit too. I started on and I made accounts at like 4 other instances. It’s extremely easy to make accounts and switch in the app you’re using (I’m on Voyager)., a German server, was down earlier for Maintenace and I switched to infosec. It’s really easy. Not a commitment to apply and jump between instances.
You don’t have to wait. You could apply for a few you like the description of and try them out. If you don’t like them, don’t use them. If you like them—stau! :)
Ok sick I’ll check those out thanks 👌
Seriously the stupid rehashing of old top comments. Posted by bots. Who are commenting on a repost posted by a bot.
Fuck me. It’s never a recycling of Reddit specific lore or history or inside jokes. Just the lowest hanging fruit. Over and over and over.
It’s like being forced to sit through a sitcom where the actors are all robots and there’s no live audience or laugh track.
Love witchesvpatriarchy in our family. I really hope a lot of the witches from there join in Lemmy. Tell your circles.
Dude for the last year on Reddit I could NOT get a normal feed. It was always sneaking in AITA threads. It was absurd. And then the comments were even more absurd.
Did you see the PR company/ PR person Melissa Nathan that was caught manipulating pop culture subreddits for actors?
Like I could tell it was off and not at all like Reddit used to work but all this makes it so apparent that the content is being driven so hard by factions and bots. It’s mostly not real people anymore doing or influencing anything.
So glad to be on Lemmy with you :)
The behavior from the paranoid self-culling of r/Conservative— sorta looks like it spread to the entire site. Kind of insane watching this go down.
I feel like we are in comfortable little life rafts watching big boat set itself on fire and sink.
You can change the settings I think in Voyager.
Im on voyager now and I replied to you using the “…” and tapping “reply.”
You can also allow change the settings to show normal upvote and downvote buttons. (If your instance allows downvotes you can downvote on the down arrow button too. )
I was warned on an upvote (plural and Reddit said it wasn’t a mistake because I “habitually upvote violence”) but not what or when I upvoted.
I upvote thousands of comments. Literally no idea what the criteria is so I stopped upvoting. Then I was like, whatever I’ll join Lemmy fuck this nonsense.
That’s how and why I joined over here. They implemented the upvote = ban policy. I got a warning. I have no idea what for because I pretty much upvote everything I read. I am pretty loose and will even upvote entire argument threads if I think the argument is worthwhile to read.
As soon as I was warned for upvoting the wrong thing, but not told which of my thousands of upvotes were wrong, I deleted Reddit.
Anyway, it’s nice here on Lemmy.
I’m very familiar with this community—they should migrate over here.
They’re witches. Of all different types of craft. A broom is something a witch rides or flies on in popular culture.
It’s saying that witches can survive against fascism if they band together in their covens and use their witchcraft.
Or, more simply, if they stand together in their faith then they will survive together.
Witches don’t actually fly on broomsticks or hit people with broomsticks. They’re just normal people. It’s slightly in jest.
I agree with you. It’s short sighted to give in to a separate corporation to “beat” the first. The only way to beat Reddit is to stop using it and forget about it.
The goal should be to remove the ability for a single entity to control the public flow of discourse.
I’m off to buy a Lemmy sticker to put on my thinkpad
does that mean you’re also🫨
I kind of like that we have to choose to participate to make this work. Sharing something might actually be worthwhile. I’ve had my fair share of viral posts in my day, but posting hasn’t been a priority of mine since before the days of Lord Gallowboob.
It’s refreshing to be in an actual community.
Haha it’s great because there’s always another instance where your username will be available.
Or you can choose to be something different on each instance.
I just came over from Reddit too. It took me a day to settle in and understand how federation worked but now it makes total sense to me.
Start posting stuff with us welcome welcome everyone :)
I’ve gotten an admin auto ban from a sub recently. That sent me a mail directly. (The sub mobs overturned it.)
The other bans I got from subs were like you say—banned from the sub it’s elf (like for commenting in another sub) depended on whether or not they decided to push mail.