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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • I did the following on Jerboa

    • save this post (we’ll be revisiting this a few times)
    • go to the search function that is indicated by the bulleted list icon
    • enter the community name (without the @… part)
    • there’ll be a few results
    • tap on them, see the posts if you want, and tap the subscribe button and see that it shows joined
    • go to saved posts, repeat until subscribed to every community you want

    Having said that, there’s probably a simpler way to do this. Still early in the learning process.

  • On point 👍 If I may add, the arguments put forward by the Reddit team reeks of ‘welfare queen’ put forward by politicians to push austerity measures. If any one of them spoke English, they should read ‘social media’ and meditate on it for a moment. Social media without the social bit is largely a dud.

    The article itself appears to be leaning on TC’s reputation in the hopes that the casual readers would not do their own independent verification. In other words, one business helping out another. Sadly, the article seems likely to achieve this goal. Does a good job of cheerleading Reddit’s move without coming across as such. Indie devs are forced to shoehorn accessibility features and self limit on the number of requests by the end of the month, or the door out is wide open. This is the point that the article is amplifying from what I can see.