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Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • It’s so baffling though. Sincerely believing “these are just left wing accusations” and maga/swamp slogans, maps onto “the judge had a conflict of interest, this was a witch hunt” etc., by the exact same route of illusion.

    The only way I can make sense of this, is to assume that we’re not really dealing with sincere belief. It’s hard to imagine a rational Republican that stood behind the former president through everything since the birth certificate thing, and are now somehow chastened. Maybe they simply think it’ll be a bad look for their guy to be wearing an ankle bracelet on inauguration day / in the first 100 days in office, and it will compromise their party’s future election chances. A question of ‘ick’ factor, and not some extension of actual values and beliefs, like we might hope. “Convicted felon” is a soft Dean scream, maybe.

  • So bad it’s good. Personally, I like the description text on the video that makes it seem like the teen who was autopsied is speaking:

    An autopsy of a Massachusetts teen who died after participating in a spicy tortilla chip challenge says he died from eating a lot of chile pepper extract, and 14-old Harris Wolobah had a congenital heart defect.

    Editorially, it’s a hilarious article. Though, respect to journalists out there. This might be a situation of, “Johnson, I need that tortilla chip death article on my desk in 5 minutes”.

    edit: Per the correction in the article, I guess AP style guidelines dictate ‘chile’ instead of ‘chili’. It looks super weird to me!

  • By proclaiming Newton is wrong, it leads to people concluding that all science is wrong, because there is always someone working on the next iteration

    I’ve never had sympathy for this line of thinking. Is the average person truly too ignorant to understand that science is a constantly developing process of better understanding our universe, not some set of unimpeachable rules carved into stone tablets once and forever? The fact that science can be updated, changed, revolutionized, is what makes it powerful.

    If people need to be ‘protected’ from that fact, there is something fundamentally wrong with the way science is taught in schools. I can’t accept that the average person can’t comprehend such a simple idea that would take less than an hour to convincingly communicate.

  • voluble@lemmy.world
    toUnpopular Opinion@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    5 months ago

    I think one of the things at play with Rand is that there are a handful of tiresome dirtbags who wave her work around like a bible. Doing so is pretty silly, and I understand why that provokes strong adversarial reactions. But to associate a reader of a text with a zealot of that text, is incorrect, I agree.

    She’s not philosophically rigorous, it’s pretty plain to see. But neither is Nietzsche, and he can be a fun read if you’re in the mood for that kind of thing. I’m not putting them on the same plane as thinkers. I’m just saying it’s not a sin to read an unserious text with an open mind.

    I think the most controversial aspect of her work is the notion of embracing selfishness. A taboo thing to speak aloud, in her times, and now. But, who can honestly claim they are purified of selfishness? So I can’t help but wonder if the theatrical outpouring of hatred for Rand is a way for people to disavow their own selfishness and comfort themselves with well worn axioms about the primacy of community. And avoid the difficult conversation of our relationship to selfishness and what it actually means.

    Feed me downvotes.

    Anyway, thanks for bringing it up OP. Cheers.

  • Would be curious to know your thoughts about fragmentation - I’m not an nfl guy but I follow hockey and mma, and I think there is a shared issue, where, a handful of communities will crop up across multiple instances, all essentially following the same subject matter and material. Seems to me this will make for smaller, less active conversations that are spread around, instead of having one canonical hub where fans can go and you can get a robust community and lots of people chiming in. What do you think? Is this actually an issue? If it is, is it just a side-effect of decentralization that fans will have to deal with?

    Cheers, thanks for modding. I’ve never done it but I imagine it’s hard work.