Why I Find Bullshit Work Intolerable
shubhamjain.coThe majority of folks I have met are perfectly happy doing a regular job—and dealing with all the bullshit it entails—as long as it allows them to follow their own pursuits outside their work hours. For them, life’s enjoyment comes from different experiences outside their work life. They value comfort and security a full-time job provides and regard it as a means to an end. I am not criticizing this worldview, but I have found it to be incompatible with mine. I started most jobs with a fair amount of enthusiasm but it wasn’t long before they became frustrating and soul-crushing and I had to muster every ounce of motivation to do even simple tasks. Regardless of how many enjoyable things I was doing in my regular life, my work started to have a negative effect on my mood and outlook.
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Oh my God so yes