• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • Angry? Dude I’m laughing my ass off! You’re complaining all the time on Lemmy how you’re broke and are failures. It’s you who are angry, and I’m laughing at you day and night! I enjoy watching you falling, broke and powerless. Lovely! Keep up your ignorance, entitlement and dumb ideologies, and my children will step on yours like cockroaches with wealth and power. I love it!

    You wanna cry a little more that you can’t buy a home? Go ahead! But God forbid you read a book and learn what yield curve control means… hahahahahahaha!

  • Have fun paying more for electricity and more fun with inflation, and even more fun with the ECB enslaving you further with their new restrictions on cash and “travel rule” becoming less than 1000 Euros.

    People who voted this moron in are paying for their decision. I can’t enjoy this enough! Every time I see inflation news in Germany I laugh. Good for me I left that shit hole.

    Until you vote in someone who promises you economic strength, instead of hippy objectives, you’ll get nowhere. But what do I know? I’m the guy who left you to die because I’m sick and tired of the stupidity of average Germans.

    Enjoy your fall! At least I am enjoying it.

  • Decompose@programming.devtoMemes@lemmy.mlEnjoy it while it lasts.
    10 months ago

    I have a PhD in physics. I spent half of my life in labs doing measurements and calculating systematic and statistical errors on them in an experiment that collects data over years to get a single number. A good chunk of my thesis is on how to properly estimate errors in measurements that are years long. I have even worked with complicated concepts like propagating errors through mathematical models to minimize them.

    No you don’t have measurements to validate anything. You have “this line goes up, this other line goes up, and we think we can explain it with green house nonsense, and hence the correlation coefficient is 1.00000”, and hence we caused it. You think I haven’t seen this nonsense? 99.99% of the people have no idea what the hell they’re talking about.

    Yes, earth went hotter and colder million times before. This invalidates climate change. We have no proof, not even statistical, that humans caused anything. We only have political agendas and research groups who get funding if they agree to come to that result. And we have dumb people who don’t understand basic logic or can add two fractions parrot what the television says in fear.

  • Decompose@programming.devtoMemes@lemmy.mlEnjoy it while it lasts.
    10 months ago

    Temperature going up over time? Over how long? 100 years compared to billions, the age of earth? Do you even understand basic statistics to calculate the confidence in such a measurement?

    All the bullshit you’re parroting from television, like green house effect, is at best circumstantial evidence but it’s not proof, and it’s evidence with negligible confidence due to the huge error margin mentioned earlier. Even worse, it’s not even evidence because of the oldest rule in the book “correlation doesn’t imply causation”, yet somehow it’s still science when basic logic is broken to support a political agenda propped by ignorant people who know nothing in math and teenagers who still don’t know the difference between integrals and derivatives and cry that “math is hard”.

    I hate to break it to you, but people who can’t calculate the standard error on measurements shouldn’t open their mouths about science, and certainly shouldn’t ask us to surrender all our power and money to corrupt politicians for a fictitious goal.

    I’m bored of hearing all this politicized nonsense. Maybe go find a book of someone who disagrees with your opinion and learn something outside of what you learned on television.

    I don’t think I’ll respond if you bore me again.

  • Decompose@programming.devtoMemes@lemmy.mlEnjoy it while it lasts.
    10 months ago

    Over the history of earth, much worse happened. Statistically, this change is nothing over the millions and even billions of years.

    I maintain that nothing is changing, and we don’t even have close to enough data to judge an earth that’s 4.5 billion years old to know that anything is changing because of us, and that paying politicians more is the answer.