The Arrival, Blade Runner 2049, and Dune director speaks out about his trilogy-capper, Dune Messiah.
It’s a bit scary after he himself mentioned it would be a tough story to put together but at the same time I’m here for it. I’d rather have Denis do it than JJ Abram’s or some other schmuck completely changing tone mid-story
Denis hasn’t made a bad movie yet, so I am stoked to see him continue this storyline aince he wants to do it (for the fans).
Starting soon isn’t the same as rushing. I’m with you - he’s batting 1.000 so far.
Both of his Dune adaptations are, IMHO, perfect. I don’t know how he did it but he pulled off one of the most ambitious sci-fi books of all time. I have full confidence. Even if he doesn’t knock the next one out of the park, it will still have a great script, great acting, incredible score, incredible cinematography, great CGI, great costumes, and great sets. That’s good enough for me. I’m just looking forward to more Dune by Villeneuve.
I wish they were both about 30% longer. I missed scenes like the water politics in the beginning and seeing the mentat for the Baron pine for Jessica and the politics that followed. There were a lot of things cut and I understand why but I wish he’d make a directors cut.
He’s my favorite director (and team) right now but his unwillingness to do directors cuts (longer more substantial versions of his films) is a real bummer. Even if the first cut is perfect, like Prisoners, a few extra scenes can go a long way in making the world feel more alive imo.
ah yes, the extremely short Dune movies /j
You’re not wrong, but for us fans, the movies were cut to the fucking bone. Relentlessly paced. Only the absolute essentials were on screen, to an almost exhausting degree. He struck a perfect balance between laypeople and fans, but I would love a longer version.
I fully agree. If ever movies needed a director’s cut, it’s Villeneuve’s. I’m about to piss you right off. Tim Blake Nelson’s scenes were cut from Part Two. He was rumoured to have been Count Fenring. He was PERFECTLY cast. Fenring was such an interesting character.
I mean, yes I want it but let’s be real, he’s only doing it because Zimmer hasn’t stopped working on it since the first movie.
Happy to hear he’ll work on the next Dune. Sad that it means he’s not working on another Blade Runner installment.
He wasn’t going to work on that regardless. His next project would’ve been an adaptation of Rendezvous with Rama. I also never heard anything about Villeneuve wanting to make another Blade Runner, I don’t think that’s in the picture at all.
I’m not convinced there’s another good story to tell in Blade Runner. Granted, I was pretty shocked when 2049 found an excellent story.
And Sony fucked him by using Harrison Ford in the marketing when it was clearly meant to be a reveal within the story. It’s literally written and shot to be a surprise reveal but Sony being Sony thought it would get more butts in seats.
Fantastic film otherwise
Yeah, boy was I pleasantly surprised BR2049 was not a shitty cashgrab. On the topic, I’d like a new story in Blade Runner universe with new characters, not related to original movies.
Yeah I prefer that myself.
We wants it, my precious! Give us the spice, we wants it!
I hope Denis just keeps doing what he is good at, move over Waititi, I gots me a new fav director.
After reading these comments, I have reached an important conclusion: Dune fans are like Watchmen fans; they only know how to be upset with what they’re given and will always be unhappy, even if what they got will go down in history as some of the best content on the screen of all time.
Thanks, Denis!
After watching the first two movies, I preferred the 1984 version of Dune.
After reading your comment, I preferred Reddit
I’ll expand. The new movies are good but they’re just… Bland? Generic sci-fi with no pizazz IMHO. Lynch version is flawed AF but it was a superior sci-fi movie.
I’ll die on that cross.
Dune as a whole is bland, generic sci-fi. Ok, I guess that’s unfair. When it was written, it was groundbreaking and unique, but it was so good that over time it’s tropes have been reused again and again in other sci-fi. So from a modern perspective, it all feels generic.
I also found them boring. I watched the first one in the theater and remember thinking it was decent but when I rewatched it before the second one came out I ended up shutting it off halfway through. I tried watching the second one and did the same thing.
Yeah, you and three others…
my 10 year old really likes that one. we watch it as a group and crack jokes the whole time, absolutely a blast
Understandable. The 1984 Dune movie has some unique charm to it. though by pretty much every metric, the new films are objectively better. Though I do very much prefer Kyle McLachlan as Paul Atriedes.
Somebody spoiled the ending of the books for me but I’m excited to see how the trilogy wraps up nevertheless
The only good Dune book is the first book. So it will be interesting to see how this turns out.
Spoken like someone who didn’t read Heretics and Chapterhouse. Those are definitely the most movie-adaptable of the entire series. Perfect balance between action, philosophy and sex for a great movie or series.
I look forward to seeing the CGI worm body with Timothy Chalmet’s head atop it.
Paul didn’t transform into the worm. That was his son, Leto II.
movies are frequently tweaked from books they are based on, so that doesn’t matter too much.
I might have enjoyed Children of Dune more than the first, but yeah the rest weren’t great IMO, not sure how Denis is gonna work with Messiah, I really struggled with that book.
The first book is the best but God Emperor of Dune is really good. Chapter House would make a great movie as well.
Children of Dune is imo the worst of the Frank Herbert Dune books. That’s going to be tough to adapt well.
I’d have liked it if he didn’t make the first one actually.
after that disaster he called dune 2? will holywood ever stop raping and killing good books by turning them into these low quality CG promos?
I can’t tell if this is satire. Surely.